Saturday 27 March 2010


i generally keep things in,
sharing only slight slithers of feelings to those i really trust.
but today i decided that i needed to write it all down,
see if it makes me feel better in anyway at all.
but i have alot to write down,
all about different things.
well i hope it helps,
but i guess we'll see.

it annoys me how you change your mind,
how you were so indecisive once the plans had been made,
and how you've made my life alot harder than it needed to be.
so yes,
i may have sounded harsh,
and it might not sound fair,
but i'm not taking the responsibility for your crap.
and the fact that you were so immature to avoid me for the whole day,
yes that spoke volumes.
you know you're in the wrong.

it's stupid how little you think of me,
how even in the 'group discussions',
you never hear a word i say.
and i would like to change this,
get you to hear me,
even for just the once,
but it would make things more complicated,
and i don't think i can deal with that.
so i'll carry on and see what happens,
but you should at least try and listen to me,
seeing as i have a better idea of what is going on than you do.

you made me feel pathetic, small and very very keen.
so yes, i may miss you,
i may want to talk to you,
i might even want to see you.
but for you to be so uninterested,
yes, that made me feel like shit.
rejection is usually okay to handle,
but this went a bit further than usual.
so i would like to thank you,
for putting me in this mood today.

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