Thursday 18 February 2010


i am a fail.
i know it,
i know other people know it,
and basically i know that i'm such a great person for it.
^sarcasm in case people didn't get it.

so i know that i can piss you off,
upset you or put you down.
but i don't mean to.
i would never do that on purpose.
i just don't know how else to be,
how else to act,
and to be honest,
it has been going on for too long now,
that it's hard for me to stop, or even change.

and yes,
i know i can seem obsessed or maybe too keen sometimes,
and i'm sorry.
but some people will always come first,
my best friends will always come first.
and if you can't see that,
then clearly i've been worse than i thought.

because the truth is,
without you i would be lost,
and i don't want to lose you,
and i know it's my fault.
and i'm sorry.

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