Monday 15 February 2010

i love you.

there is no possible way for me to express,
just how much you mean to me.
you're the only person who can really cheer me up,
make me smile even when all i can say is 'fuck my life',
and you're the only one that really understands just how much things mean to me,
how i'm feeling,
and how pathetically stupid i can be.

i don't have to worry when i'm with you,
or stress about anything other than our plans for the day.
we could laugh for hours on end,
just living in the moment,
nothing else seems important.

sometimes i think how you might not always be there;
how you might go your own way,
or leave me for something better.
something i don't want to think about,
yet the thought is always there,
how alone i'll feel without you,
even though you'd only be a phone call away.

i'm so envious of you;
the way you talk,
the way you live your life,
no worries or complaints.
yet i could never hate you for it,
never dislike you in the least.
because it is what makes you you,
it's what sets you out from the rest.

there was a time when i thought,
'why me? what made me special enough to have someone like you in my life?'
i still don't know.
but i do know that i am lucky,
to have someone so close that i can tell anything to.
so i am thankful,
thankful that i have you.
you're my bestfriend,
i love you.

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