Sunday 14 February 2010

new things.


my first blog and it's already a fail.
my computer didn't help me,
the freezing,
closing down windows,
restarting the computer when i didn't tell it to.
either this was a sign telling me that a blog is not the best idea,
or i need a new computer.
so far, i think the first is where i am heading.

i'm not sure what i should be writing about;
some people have inspirational quotes and posts,
others, short sentences and envious thoughts,
but i think i'll end up using this as a sort of therapist;
just writing everything, from how i feel,
to what's happening around me.
pathetic i know,
but i'm not the sort of person to have anything more artistic to say.

ah, who knows what will happen,
if i'll even have anything to say,
but for the moment,
i'll carry on and see where this takes me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ah, my apologies. apparently you already are :') ah.
